According to the Global Software Top 100 (2011 edition), 6 CAD/CAE/PLM software companies are among the the top 100.
They are: Dassault Systèmes, Autodesk, PTC, Siemens (UGS), Mentor Graphics and ANSYS.
Dassault and Siemens have the most complete ecosystem: CAD-CAM-CAE-PLM. Autodesk and PTC reply more on CAD. While Mentor Graphics has limited presence beyond in electronics industry. ANSYS is an interesting company focusing on only CAE.
Compared with the rank of previous year (2010), all these 6 companies climbed some potions varying from 1 to 4. This indicates the demands for CAD/CAE/PLM are getting stronger. The following table illustrates the ranking of these 6 companies in last three years.
Company | 2011 Position | 2010 Position | 2009 Position |
Dassault Systems | 19 | 22 | 17 |
Autodesk | 22 | 25 | 16 |
Siemens | 49 | 50 | 40 |
Mentor Graphics | 77 | 80 | 66 |
ANSYS | 92 | 96 | 75 |
We will analyze these companies, as well as other CAD/CAE/PLM software cmpanies in other articles.